Home Cannabinoids Learning About the Cannabinoid CBL

Learning About the Cannabinoid CBL

Learning About the Cannabinoid CBL

Did you know there are over 100 different cannabinoids identified in the cannabis plant? Each cannabinoid identified does have a different effect on the body. That is, if they have been researched. Many discovered cannabinoids haven’t had research conducted on them yet. Either there isn’t enough of the cannabinoid present in the plant for conclusive research. Or, in the case of the cannabinoid CBL, the cannabinoid is only present in older plants. This makes CBL one of the hardest cannabinoids to acquire. 


Cannabicyclol (CBL), which is sometimes classified as cannabipinol (CBP), is a degradation of the cannabinoid CBC. While CBC is present in young, fresh plants, along with other common cannabinoids such as THC and CBD, after the plant begins to change and degrade, CBC turns into CBL during the breakdown process. 

Surprisingly, there are no double bonds present on the molecular level of CBL, which is something that all other cannabinoids have present in them. A double bond is how Delta 8 and Delta 9 are differentiated from each other. It’s also how Delta 8 is federally legal while Delta 9 is a Schedule I drug

Research and Benefits

CBL was discovered back in 1964. But no research has been done on this cannabinoid since. In a recent study, CBL was discovered to not help with reducing muscle contraction. There was no change in the muscle structure or tension whatsoever. But there is some speculation over what CBL could positively do for the body. 

Similar to CBC, scientists suspect that CBL would have the potential to treat inflammation and tumor reduction, but research is inconclusive and limited in scope. It’s hard to research CBL because of the low quantities present in fresh plants. And aging hemp plants takes longer in order to get a good quantity of CBL for testing and research purposes. But this cannabinoid does have non-psychomimetic properties.It doesn’t cause any harmful effects to humans when consumed on it’s own. 

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