Home Cannabinoids Learning About the Cannabinoid CBCv

Learning About the Cannabinoid CBCv

Learning About the Cannabinoid CBCv

With almost 120 different cannabinoids identified within the cannabis plant, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why we are breaking down several cannabinoids to help everyone understand and learn how each compound could affect each person. Let’s take a look at the cannabinoid CBCv and what it has to offer.


Called cannabichromevarin, CBCv first became discovered in 1975 by researchers at the University of Nagasaki in Thailand. Since then, there has not been much research conducted on CBCv. 

CBCv is closely related to CBC, a more common cannabinoid that has seen more research conducted on it. CBC has anti-inflammatory properties, and research shows CBC helps significantly with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Because of the properties CBC presents, researchers speculate CBCv may have the same positive properties as CBC. But nothing can be said definitively. 

One difference between CBC and CBCv is their molecular structure. CBC has a pentyl structure, so it’s a hexagonal structure. CBCv is a propyl structure. The traditional hexagonal structure has a propyl chain attached to the end of the whole compound. This propyl chain looks sort of like an antenna and is what separates each cannabinoid from the other. It’s also the reason why researchers can assume what CBCv does as compared to CBC. They could have completely different effects on people because of this small structural difference. But again, not much is known about CBCv to definitively state so. 

Potential Effects

CBCV could also be an anti-inflammatory like the cannabinoid CBC. Research shows it could potentially have an increased effect on stopping seizures in children, especially when seizures can’t be controlled with standard medications. While this study specifically focused on CBD, a more prominent and researched cannabinoid, it also shows that CBC and CBCv were in the medication. It doesn’t mean definitively that CBCV helps reduce seizures, but it does create interest among scientists and researchers to look into the potential that CBCV offers in this regard. 

CBCV could also potentially help with chronic conditions like arthritis, insomnia, depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Muscular dystrophy. The potential for things to come from CBCv are definitely present. CBCv isn’t readily available to the general public at this time.

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