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Examining the Possibility of Using CBD as Antibiotics

Examining the Possibility of Using CBD as Antibiotics

People have begun to use CBD, or cannabidiol, in new ways in order to treat different ailments. However, through a study performed by researchers at the University of Queensland, researchers found that there might be a new way to use it, namely as a new class of antibiotics. Thanks to the study, researchers believe that people will be able to use CBD as antibiotics to combat the drug-resistant bacteria that have been causing so much trouble.


The study involved mimicking a two-week patient treatment in their lab in order to pit gram-negative bacteria, like gonorrhoea, against CBD. Researchers found that CBD has a good ability of breaking down the biofilms that bacteria use for protection. Additionally, the bacteria had a low chance of developing resistance to CBD’s attacks.


At this time, the researchers are not completely sure about how the cannabinoid helps. However, they believe that it kills these bacteria by bursting their cell membranes. That said, the researchers are not sure how this is accomplished. They also found that chemical analogs made from CBD’s molecular structure were also effective against the bacteria.


This information is crucial because, if it can be definitively proven that bacteria has a lower chance of developing resistance to CBD, patients can use it without worry of bacteria developing a resistance. This means that doctors could treat more bacterial infections without the chance of more powerful versions popping up. Even if this doesn’t turn out to be the case, it would certainly be another arrow in Humanity’s medical quiver.

Future Plans

At this time, the researchers’ only plan is to continue experimenting with CBD. This was done to ensure that it can be used as an antibiotic. They want to better understand why CBD has this effect and make sure that there aren’t any adverse effects that might be caused by it.

There is another aspect that researchers will need to research before considering using CBD as antibiotics. That is an examination of the chance of CBD interacting with drugs. There is a chance for the CBD to negatively interact with certain drugs. However, they will need to research whether they will interact with the drugs that people will take to try and help deal with the bacteria.

With any luck, as scientists continue to examine the benefits of CBD, it will find use in more ways.

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