Home Cannabinoids CBD Treats Oral Ulcers, According to Study

CBD Treats Oral Ulcers, According to Study

CBD Treats Oral Ulcers, According to Study

Cannabidiol, or CBD, has been shown to help with a number of different ailments, including types of pain, organ damage, and fibromyalgia. One of the most well-known benefits of CBD is its use as an anti-inflammatory agent. This means it could potentially be used for other ailments that cause inflammation. Specifically, a new study examined its effectiveness on oral ulcers on mouse tongues. This is similar to another study that examined the effects of CBD on stomach ulcers. It found that it helped to limit gastric acid and increase the blood flow to the stomach. This actually led to consideration of its use in treating oral ulcers.


For clarification, ulcers can appear in anyone’s body, though there are activities that can increase the likelihood of them. These activities include drinking alcohol and smoking. Additionally, infections, injuries, and diseases can also result in ulcers forming. Since they are relatively the same ailment, it is only where they are located in the body that causes the names to change. For example, doctors call an ulcer in the stomach lining a gastric ulcer, whereas they refer to one in the small intestine as a duodenal ulcer.

Regardless of where they form, some ulcers can heal on their own, but others can cause severe health disruptions unless they are treated. One of the most well-known types of oral ulcers is the canker sore.


Researchers at Sichuan University used mice suffering from oral ulcers and then applied CBD oral spray. They found that CBD could alleviate the inflammatory pain caused by ulcers in a dose-dependent manner, meaning that the effect was dependent on how much of a dose the patient took. Additionally, the researchers found it resulted in faster healing of the wounds.


As with the previous study looking into CBD’s effect on stomach ulcers, the researchers found that CBD affected the CB1 receptor. This receptor, found throughout the human body, helped to inhibit the activation of the body’s inflammatory response. This, in turn, helped to diminish the pain. At the same time, CBD’s connection to the CB1 receptor helped improve the healing of the ulcers. However, the healing was also aided by CBD inhibiting certain proteins, specifically the NLRP3. For clarification, this protein is a part of what causes the inflammation effect of the immune system.


This study further shows CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties and its benefits towards the treatment of different ailments. CBD’s help could be especially useful in treating more common ailments, like ulcers, which affect millions of people in the US every year. Hopefully, as lawmakers become more lenient towards cannabis-based products, researchers will be able to find more of CBD’s benefits.

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