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Taking a Look at the Cannabinoid CBDA

Taking a Look at the Cannabinoid CBDA

Within the cannabis plant, there are over 120 different types of compounds called cannabinoids. Each cannabinoid creates a different effect in people who consume cannabis in its raw, dried, or vaporized form. The most commonly known cannabinoids are Delta 9 THC and CBD. This is the main cannabinoid that creates the sense of high that people aim for when they consume cannabis. It’s also the compound that has put cannabis on the scheduled drug list with the DEA. However, with over 120 different types of cannabinoids within the cannabis plant, there are other cannabinoids that have beneficial properties. One of those is the cannabinoid CBDA.

Cannabidiolic Acid

CBDA, also called cannabidiolic acid, is a sort of precursor form of the cannabinoid CBD. CBD is a popular non-psychoactive cannabinoid with several beneficial benefits claimed by scientists and consumers alike. After CBDA was discovered back in 1996, researchers believed that it would produce the same effects as CBD. But recent studies have proved that to not be true. 

Research and Effects

Recent studies, like one published in the British Journal of Pharmacology back in 2013, have been testing different aspects of CBDA. They’ve been specifically looking into how CBDA differs from other cannabinoids. That study looked at the anti-emetic (anti-vomiting) and anti-nausea effects as compared to CBD. It showed shrews, who could vomit, and rats, who couldn’t, would show signs of gagging and shrews would vomit in response to this chemical combination. The next test that would take place would be to give the combination and then give CBDA. Shrews didn’t vomit and the rats didn’t show any signs of gagging while they had the combination in their systems alongside CBDA. 

In fact, this study found that the shrews and rats reacted better to CBDA than with CBD. There was still some gag response and minor vomit expressed with plain CBD as compared to CBDA. 

Other studies and assumptions have said that CBDA could have anti-inflammatory properties. Those could include using CBDA as an anti-seizure potential, an antidepressant and an anti-anxiety. One possibility showed that CBDA could potentially prevent the spread of certain types of cancer cells

Future of CBDA

More research is needed. What has been done has been conducted on animals as well as cells in a lab under a microscope. Human trials must be done before any definitive answers or claims are said about CBDA use in humans. There are products available on the market that contain CBDA, such as oils and capsules. One way that consumers are taking CBDA is through juicing the plant itself. CBDA turns to CBD when exposed to heat for an extended period of time. Juicing doesn’t involve heat, leaving CBDA intact and ready for consumption. Not many CBDA products are available on the current market at this time. 

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