Home Political News Cannabis Legalization Bill Passed in North Dakota House

Cannabis Legalization Bill Passed in North Dakota House

Cannabis Legalization Bill Passed in North Dakota House

A bill to legalize recreational marijuana use for adults recently passed through the House of Representatives. So, now it needs to make its way through the Senate. If the legislation gets through the Senate without amendment, it will end up on Gov. Doug Burgum’s desk. Read the original article here.

Process to Legalize Cannabis

Senate Majority Leader Rich Wardner, like many of his Republican colleagues in North Dakota, doesn’t want recreational marijuana use to be legal. But as many neighboring states pass legalization measures it is inevitable. Many Republicans believe that a citizen-initiated legalization ballot measure will pass sooner or later. If the Legislature doesn’t preempt it, lawmakers will have little discretion over the pot program and its rules.

For that reason, Wardner considers himself a supporter of House Bill 1420. This bill would legalize recreational marijuana for adults 21 and older. But it would have tight restrictions in place. The Senate Leader has said that he has a “gut feeling” the bill has enough support to pass.

Next Steps

The Senate Human Services Committee held a hearing for the bill on Monday. During the meeting they held discussions about taxation, personal freedoms, and impaired driving. A West Fargo Republican said that it’s likely their committee will consider a few amendments to the bill. However, if the amendments and the bill are approved in the Senate, the legislation would have to go back to the House.

House Bill 1420

Under the current proposal, anyone 21 and older could possess up to one ounce of marijuana. It would still be prohibited for anyone under the age of 21. However residents could only use marijuana in private residences and on private property. In addition it would be illegal to smoke it in the presence of anyone under 21. Users would not be permitted to grow their own marijuana plants at home. The legal pot program would start on July 1, 2022.

Make sure to check back for more cannabis and hemp related news.