Home Political News New York Governor Cuomo Calls for Cannabis Legalization

New York Governor Cuomo Calls for Cannabis Legalization

New York Governor Cuomo Calls for Cannabis Legalization

A day after almost a third of the State Senate prefiled a comprehensive cannabis reform bill, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo revealed his plan to legalize cannabis across the state. Governor Cuomo called for cannabis reform years ago, and continuously since then. However, now is better than never. For the past couple of years, Governor Cuomo has tried to introduce recreational cannabis legalization measures to help increase revenue for the state. Each year, the call for reform saw rejection for one reason or another. This year, with the COVID-19 pandemic still in full swing, finding a way to bring revenue to the state is a hot topic. Many have concerns when it comes to cannabis, however.

One major change Governor Cuomo introduced in his cannabis reform plan is to create the Office of Cannabis Management. This office would be in charge of managing cannabis and hemp industries. Governor Cuomo also stated his plan would create “an equitable structure by offering licensing opportunities. [It would also offer] assistance to entrepreneurs in communities of color who have been disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs.”

“[There are] too many people…imprisoned and incarcerated and punished,” the governor said on Wednesday January 6, 2021. “Too many of those people are black, Latino and poor. It’s exaggerated the injustice of the justice system.”


Lawmakers continuously discuss how the war on drugs is disproportional towards the black and latino communities. Especially when it comes to possibe cannabis legalization. “Despite the many challenges New York has faced amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it has also created a number of opportunities to correct long standing wrongs and build New York back better than ever before,” Governor Cuomo said. “Not only will legalizing and regulating the adult-use cannabis market provide the opportunity to generate much-needed revenue, but it also allows us to directly support the individuals and communities that have been most harmed by decades of cannabis prohibition.”

There is currently support of the governor and almost a third of the state senate. So, there is a larger chance of recreational cannabis legalization within New York than ever before. If this bill passes, New York could see as much as $300 million in revenue annually. This would just be from cannabis sales tax alone. The revenue would go back into rebuilding communities most impacted by the war on drugs. Additionally, revenue could go to those affected severely by the COVID-19 pandemic. Lawmakers are currently discussing whether or not this bill should pass. However, one thing is certain. Citizens want cannabis reform and many are going to fight for it to become a reality.

Make sure to check back for more cannabis and hemp news.