Home Political News Maryland Lawmakers Clash Over Cannabis Legalization

Maryland Lawmakers Clash Over Cannabis Legalization

Maryland Lawmakers Clash Over Cannabis Legalization

On Friday, July 16, Maryland House Speaker Adrienne Jones, D, released a statement about the creation of a cannabis work group to be run by her. This group would move to put cannabis legalization questions on the 2022 ballot. Then, the Senate President Bill Ferguson, D, followed up on Monday, July 19. Both chambers created, but failed to pass, legalization bills this past session


The House Speaker wants to offer voters a chance to have a say in the laws. She’s going to put forward a referendum question on the 2022 general election. 

“While I have personal concerns about encouraging marijuana use, particularly among children and young adults, the disparate criminal justice impact leads me to believe that the voters should have a say in the future of legalization,” said Speaker Jones. “The House will pass legislation early next year to put this question before the voters but we need to start looking at changes needed to State law now.”

Speaker Jones has created the Cannabis Workgroup to research and draft the questions for voters. Some notable members are:

  • House Majority Leader Eric Luedtke, D
  • House Minority Leader Jason Buckel, R
  • Legislative Black Caucus Chair Darryl Barnes, D

Some of the major group functions will focus on: regulation, licensing fees, expungement efforts, and social equity. 


On the other hand, Senate President Bill Ferguson, D, wants lawmakers to create a fair and equitable recreational cannabis program. “I think it’s become pretty much an overwhelming majority of folks believe our policies around marijuana has been fatally flawed”. Senate President Ferguson said during a local radio interview. “I thought we needed reform for a very long time. I think it’s beyond past due.”

“There are very real concerns,” he continued, especially concerning marijuana use and legalization. Those can include citing driving under the influence and access to children. However, “that’s why it’s the responsibility of the general assembly to put forward a framework that takes care of all of those issues… I’m hopeful we get that done this year; we’ll see about the whole ballot issue. I think this is something the general assembly should lead on.” 

When asked about Speaker Jones’ Plan, Senate President Ferguson said, “Eighteen states and the District of Columbia have already legalized recreational cannabis for adult-use. Maryland must do the same… A large majority of Marylanders in both political parties support an equitable framework that immediately addresses the injustices in our current criminal justice system.”


Whether it comes in the form of a ballot question, or through lawmakers, Maryland will most likely see recreational cannabis legalized in 2022. As more information becomes available, we will update you with the latest. 

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