Home Political News Decriminalization Bill Passed Ahead of Cannabis Bill in Louisiana

Decriminalization Bill Passed Ahead of Cannabis Bill in Louisiana

Decriminalization Bill Passed Ahead of Cannabis Bill in Louisiana

Cannabis activists have their eyes peeled on Louisiana, which could be the next state to legalize recreational cannabis use. In preparation of the vote for the legalization bill, HB 699, lawmakers discuss and approve various other reform related bills, including HB 652. This bill would decriminalize the possession of up to 14 grams of cannabis. However, HB 652 went through several changes before it received approval 68-25.

HB 652 History

When HB 652 first became introduced in early April, sponsor Representative Cedric Glover (D) wanted to offer relief for those most affected by the cannabis prohibition and the failed war on drugs. So HB 652, the decriminalization bill in Louisiana, would decriminalize the possession of up to 14 grams of cannabis. It would be punishable with a $50 fine and no threat of jail time.

But as the bill moved into its House committee for debate, the bill became gutted and changed almost completely. The penalty for possessing up to 14 grams of cannabis would cost someone $300 in fines and potentially have up to 15 days of jail time. This is the opposite of what decriminalization is and what other states have offered their citizens. 

However HB 652 went through another major change on the full House floor. The decriminalization bill was amended to remove any threat of jail time and set a fine to $100 for Louisiana citizens. This amendment is much more agreeable and is what passed the House. Now, HB 652 heads to the Senate where it will also go through a committee meeting before heading to the full Senate chamber for a vote.

HB 699

These bills make their way before the House before the most anticipated bill comes up for a vote. And that’s the recreational cannabis legalization bill, HB 699. It’s the most anticipated bill of the Louisiana session, some are saying. And there has been opposition as well as approval or interest when it comes to this bill within the state’s own congress. The vote has been delayed intentionally by the bill’s sponsor, Representative Richard Nelson (R). Representative Nelson has been working on amendments to make HB 699 more appealing to the lawmakers who oppose the bill. 

The vote is set for sometime next week and is looking to be a close vote. Only time will tell. As more information becomes available, we will update you with the latest.

Make sure to check back for more cannabis and hemp related news.