Home News Cannabis News Celebrities Push Biden to Issue Mass Marijuana Pardons

Celebrities Push Biden to Issue Mass Marijuana Pardons

Celebrities Push Biden to Issue Mass Marijuana Pardons

As more and more activists seek to push the natural legalization, some are looking to retroactively fix some of what they see as injustices. Specifically, in September, more than 150 celebrities, athletes, politicians, law enforcement professionals, and academics tried to accomplish this change. They were looking to push President Joe Biden to issue mass marijuana pardons. These would specifically go to all people with non-violent federal marijuana convictions. Should they succeed in pushing this forward, it could be steps in the right direction for a more comprehensive legalization.

Understanding Attempt

The aforementioned group signed a letter and had it delivered to the president. They urged him to issue a “full, complete and unconditional pardon” to all of those with non-violent federal marijuana convictions. High-profile stars like Drake, Deion Sanders, and Kevin Garnett signed this letter, seeking to have mass marijuana pardons issued. In the letter, they condemned the war on drugs, saying how it “crushed many souls and countless futures” and stated how it was causing a rift of “mistrust and dysfunction” between minorities and law enforcement. They go on to discuss how these convictions limit the future options of those convicted of these crimes.

Promises Made

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki stated that Biden was “exploring multiple avenues to provide relief to certain nonviolent drug offenders,” without getting into a lot of detail about what these avenues would include or a timeline.

Attempts Multiplying

It isn’t just these celebrities that are pushing for this change. Other groups have also been trying to push this forward as well. This included the United States Conference of Mayors who not only sought to deal with social inequity connected with these convictions. However, it also sought clemency for those they believe were wrongly punished.


It is the hope of the different activists of cannabis that, with all of these groups trying to push the president into action, change will soon happen. However, at this time, there have been nothing from the Biden administration to hint that these changes are coming. Regardless, with more supporters stepping up, it is the hope that steps are being taken towards national legalization.

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